Category Archives: casual sex

Sarah Palin Debacle


I just had a ridiculous, 30+ min convo with my Papi about the Bristol Palin scandal burning up the wires. It’s ridiculous! Needless to say, the veep candidate was NOT vetted. (Where is K. Rove when you need him?!) Talk about skeletons in the closet, or, um, the womb… 

No one can deny that the GOP is on serious CYA (cover your ass) detail. And do I think that John McCain and Co. knew the extent of Sarah Palin’s daughter’s extra curricular activities? Hell no. Chalk it up to the abstinence only platform.

But let’s be honest, Dad. The reason Bristol decided to have the child was not due to the fact that her mother was a Republican Veep candidate running on staunch anti-abortion campaign. Your mother’s career is one of the last things you think of when you’ve missed your 3rd period in a row (eek).

 Let’s talk about her peers for a minute. She and Jamie Lynn Spears could have been BFF. Both in the spotlight, famous for one reason or another, and both preggers before legal. But more importantly, both from a background that condones teenage pregnancy – not the rarefied, upper middle class prep-school set, where 17 year old girls have abortions and don’t tell their mothers, regardless of occupation.  

The spin machine that is contemporary news warps the important factors in this matter, which are A. family values, B. peer values and C. personal responsibility. Did she have a choice whether to have the baby or not?

She had a choice to have sex, protected or unprotected; she had a choice to tell her mother she was pregnant; she had a choice to have an abortion before/after her mother found out. Regardless of the key factors in her decision-making process, she did have her own mind. 

This is what I find most inane about the media coverage. They treat this 17 year old person as if she had no autonomy. It may be true that she may not have much life experience or perspective, but that does not negate her mind or will. Women are more than just a vessel. They are more than a symbol of maternity, hysterical and incapable of independent, rational thought. 

That said, open the parachute before you jump!


Filed under affluenza, Age, Barack Obama, casual sex, John McCain, Politics, Safer Sex, Sarah Palin, sex, Working Women

Random Sex Fact Friday

From Louann Brizendine, M.D.’s best-seller The Female Brain:

“Using the body odor of men and the noses of women, Jan Havlicek of Charles University in Prague has hatched a controversial theory about pheromones and the female brain. He found that ovulating women who already have partners preferred the smell of other more dominant men but that single women showed no such preference. Havlicek argues that his findings support the theory that single women want nurturing men who will help raise a family. But once the home is secured, they have the biological urge to sneak around with men who have the best genes. ..women are no more built for monogamy than men are.  They are designed to keep their options open, and they fake orgasm to divert a partner’s attention from their infidelities”

File this fun fact away for the next time you’re caught cheatin’….

On an unrelated note, Ed Westwick (super hottie Chuck from GOSSIP GIRL) was seen making out with a random CHICK at LIT lounge last night. That is like, soo relevant to the themes of this blog. 


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Filed under Books, casual sex, Ed Westwick, Gossip Girl, Lit Lounge, sex, traditional gender roles

Dear Judy Blume, please help us.


The difference between these two images is striking, Kath from Forever is the naturally pretty high school senior from anytown, USA and the cast of characters on the left frankly look like they are trying way too hard. Yes, they may be more glamorous but their sexed up images come off as fake and kind of pathetic in contrast with the real girl to their right.

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Filed under casual sex, Generativity, Judy Blume, media image, Safer Sex, under-aged drinking