Category Archives: Dolphins

Wild Animals

Oh hi, I missed you too. I know I haven’t posted for at least a week but that is because I have been in sunny L.A., so you’ll have to excuse the laziness and chalk it up to the relaxed so-cal vibes I was ingesting.

We saw a lot of cool things out in lala land, but number one on my list has to be the wild animals. As my sister and I were leisurely riding our bikes down the Strand near Hermosa Beach around 7:30 am due to sleeplessness due to jet lag, I caught sight of a fin jutting out of the water! Now, as a native Bostonian and a child with an imaginative and expansive mind, I went directly to shark. Then I fantasized about having to alert the fishermen, the homeless guys sleeping too close to the shore, swimmers, surfers and or just the lifeguard (I didn’t see one on duty) about the danger. Maybe I would be celebrated as a local hero for sounding the alarm!

Upon further inspection, however, I realized that this fin belonged to a mammal, a bottlenose dolphin to be exact. But then I was even more excited, not to mention relieved that I was no longer on shark detail. It was a whole gang-load of them, around 10, swimming parallel to the shore and no more than a 100 yards away from it. Needless to say, the whole situation was at least as magical and beautiful as seeing Johnny Depp in his hay-day jam out of the Viper Room at 2 am.

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Filed under 1, Dolphins, Hermosa Beach, Johnny Depp, Los Angeles, South Bay